
If you’ve been around the vineyard block a few times you know the importance of a trusted advisor.
Turrentine Brokerage knows the wine business inside and out. We have an unparalleled record of predicting wine business trends and helping clients profit from them. We know the sources of supply, their history and capabilities. We know the brands, their people and their finances. We earn trust and guard confidences carefully. We make deals happen. We bring businesses together efficiently, creatively, and when necessary, quickly. We understand the key factors that make your business tick. And we know how to avoid many hidden disasters.

Explore our web site, check our track record and give us a call. Cheers!

Turrentine Brokerage

Bulk Wine and Grape Brokers

Smart Marketer Seminar

SoCo_Winegrowers_green_medDate: Thursday, April 11, 2013 4:00pm – 6:00pm

Save the date for Sonoma County Winegrape’s Smart Marketer Seminar to be held at the Wine Country Hilton, Santa Rosa. The topic for March is slated to be “Media and PR Training for Growers”. This includes information on Community and Neighbor Relations according to the CSWA Code of Sustainable Winegrowing.

The purpose of this seminar is to begin preparing growers to be industry spokespeople while out in the community. Liz Thach of Sonoma State University and Karissa Kruse of the Sonoma County Winegrape Commission are the topic presenters.

The meeting begins with Brian Clements of Turrentine Brokerage and an update on the bulk and grape market and prospects for 2013.

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Brian Clements, Vice President