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Turrentine Brokerage

Bulk Wine and Grape Brokers

Turrentine Harvest Update

What’s happening in the vineyards as harvest progresses? The Turrentine Grape Team will be highlighting what they are hearing and seeing in the vineyards throughout California every week. 

Central Coast

  • Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, and Merlot are all ripening at the same time, earlier sites of these varieties are being harvested within days of each other
  • Paso Robles Crop looks average for Bordeaux varieties with the exception of Merlot having a potential for being above average despite accelerated maturity
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    Byron, Eastern Contra Costa County Syrah. Photo by Erica Moyer

    Santa Barbara Pinot Noir coming in fast

  • Harvest appears, as of now, to be 10-14 days ahead of the last few years depending upon the variety and region
  • Monterey County Pinot Noir and Chardonnay have sized well.  Chardonnay harvest has just started and the crop looks good.  Pinot Noir harvest is around the corner.


  • Early varieties are in:  Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, White Riesling.  Yields were up and down.  Call it average!
  • Merlot and Pinot Noir are rolling in.  Some Cabernet Sauvignon has started to roll in as well.
  • White Zinfandel is still being harvested.
  • The earlier cooler temps helped in sizing.
  • The little heat spurt did not hurt before the cool down as Fall is upon us, September 22.

North Coast

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Russian River Pinot Noir. Photo by Alicia Kump

  • Sauvignon Blanc is looking pretty big, about 75% picked. Napa and Lake County is above average. Sonoma is average to above average
  • Pinot Noir is looking big overall, Napa sparkling picked out above average
  • Chardonnay is just starting for still wine
  • Cabernet Sauvignon is starting to pick (hillside with shallow soils), still a long way before we have a good idea on CS
  • Merlot across NC looks like a decent crop, potential to be above average

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    Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon. Photo by Mike Needham